Irish Government Announce Installation of 131 New Fast Chargers.

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The Irish government has unveiled plans to install 17 new high-speed electric vehicle (EV) charging hubs across Ireland with a total of 131 new charging points, expected to be operational by the end of 2025.

According to the Department for Transport, these new hubs will come equipped with both fast and ultra-fast charging points, delivering a combined total of about 24 megawatts of power. Each hub will have an average of seven charging points and will be strategically placed every 45km along major roads and motorways. What’s more, these charging hubs will be developed and managed by private operators, who will receive grants and funding from the government.

Funding will be sourced from Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI) under the first EV Charging Infrastructure LDV En-Route Grant Scheme, led by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). Launched in February this year, the scheme aims to accelerate the development of EV charging infrastructure across Ireland by encouraging private sector participation.

Transport Minister Eamon Ryan emphasised the importance of EVs in reducing transport emissions. Stating that, "EVs are crucial in our journey towards lowering transport sector emissions. They are cleaner, better cars, and we want to ensure that current and potential EV users have confidence in the availability of charging infrastructure. Establishing these high-powered charging hubs is a key step in our commitment to a more sustainable transport system.”

He then added; "This complements our ongoing commitments, such as the EV purchase grant scheme, grants for home chargers, and the continued VRT reduction for EVs. Combined with greater market choice and price competitiveness, we hope to encourage more people to choose electric vehicles."

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