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Maintaining Your Electric Vehicle

Maintaining Your Electric Vehicle
How does electric car maintenance compare to a regular combustion engine?

If you look at the overall running costs, electric cars have proven to be cheaper to fuel, tax (€120 per annum) and maintain in the long run over your traditional combustion powered vehicle. Charging aside for a moment there are fewer moving parts with no engine oils, plugs, belts, filters in play making service trips few and far between. Even brakes last a great deal longer than their petrol and diesel equivalents thanks to highly efficient regenerative braking systems. You simply lift your foot off the accelerator and allow the vehicle to slow up on regenerative braking, which becomes strangely addictive. Depending on the type of EV, varying levels of regenerative braking can be used.

Are electric cars more expensive to maintain in Ireland?

They are no more expensive to maintain in Ireland than any other country and most likely a lot cheaper than your current combustion powered vehicle. The service intervals are much further apart and if you carry out basic inspections depending on your weekly mileage you should find running your EV perfectly manageable.

How often do electric cars need to be serviced?

Unlike combustion powered cars where the service intervals would be annual on a petrol car and possibly every two years on a diesel, you could go much longer in an EV providing you carry out some standard health checks. Always be sure your tyres are in good health and properly inflated. Keep the screen-wash bottle topped up with the correct solution and make sure the brake oil level reaches the max. Most EV’s are so sophisticated they will warn you in advance of any issues but it’s a good idea to practice routine checks. At around 15,000km it will probably need wiper blades also.

When the vehicle does pop up a service light, which varies depending on the model, it will have to be returned to the service department of your chosen dealer for inspection. Aside from the basic checks you have carried out the trained technicians will check the power inverter, accessory power, and charger modules along with the drivetrain to make sure there is no wear on the shafts etc. Any parts needing lubrication will be treated and the vehicle might be due a new Cabin Filter or aircon gas top up. All going well you will be back on the road in a few hours.

Are there any maintenance issues electric cars are prone to?

Electric cars don’t suffer from anything in particular per say but they can be harder on tyres than a normal combustion car. As the overall weight of the vehicle tends to be higher and acceleration that bit faster you could find yourself wearing out tyres a little quicker. This comes down to driving style really and just driving that bit smoother. The linear power delivery from standstill that EV’s produce can be addictive but essentially you are being harder on the vehicle by driving in that fashion. Again keep tyre pressures topped up to the specified level and watch for even wear across the tyre. Should you see more wear to the inner side of the tyre you might need wheel alignment. This can easily be rectified at any tyre supplier. Keep in mind your electric vehicle could be fitted with specific tyres for electric vehicles. Some manufacturers offer tyres with less rolling resistance and tougher sidewalls to cope with the demands of an EV.

What about the battery life? Should I be worried?

As we are all learning about electric vehicles and the technology they possess, the major worry for many is battery life. Thankfully this is the area the majority of manufacturers have invested in most and their longevity is getting better with every year passing.

Yes it is the costliest component to replace but the manufacturers’ warranty on the battery components is generally between 5 to 8 years. Some auto makers offer extended warranties on the batteries but if you have a new vehicle, it is most likely something you will never need to worry about. If your garage technician tells you that your EV needs a new battery he will more than likely be referring to the standard 12-volt battery that all cars have.

This is often used just to power cabin components and the like and sometimes needs replacing but not the major drivetrain battery pack so you should have nothing major to fear.

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